September 11, 2023
3 min

V-Logis Sets its Sights on Bhiwandi: Revolutionizing the Western Region's Logistics Landscape - Devdiscourse

V-Logis, the warehousing and 3PL arm of V-Trans, has unveiled a state-of-the-art warehouse facility in Bhiwandi, Mumbai. Covering an area of 125,000 square feet, the warehouse is strategically located near major transportation routes and is designed to meet the evolving needs of the logistics industry. Key features include a durable structure, international standards compliance, and superior safety measures. V-Logis, along with V-Trans and V-Xpress, offers integrated logistics services. The Executive Director of V-Trans emphasized the facility's potential to redefine the logistics industry in India.

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Adhikansh Gupta
Content Manager

Writer and editor who covers the latest trends and innovations in the software-as-a-service (SaaS) industry