June 21, 2023
3 min

Union Minister Nitin Gadkari and Mahindra Logistics unveil 'Desh Chaalak': A book honouring Indian Drivers - Autocar Professional

Nitin Gadkari, the Minister of Road Transport and Highways, and logistics solutions provider Mahindra Logistics unveiled a book called 'Desh Chaalak,' which highlights the contribution of Indian drivers to the country's growth. The book, authored by Ramesh Kumar, features 30 real-life stories about the challenges and lives of Indian drivers. Gadkari commended Mahindra Logistics for the initiative that aims to honour 'the silent warriors of India.' The book serves as a tribute to a community that deserves recognition for its untold stories and inspiring and emotional life journey.

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Adhikansh Gupta
Content Manager

Writer and editor who covers the latest trends and innovations in the software-as-a-service (SaaS) industry