July 16, 2023
3 min

Russia Consents to Turkmenistan Joining North-South Corridor ... - Caspian News

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has agreed to Turkmenistan's accession to the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC). The corridor is a multimodal network connecting the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf to the Caspian and Baltic Seas. The agreement aims to reduce transportation costs and transit times. Turkmenistan plans to use the Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran railway and develop other routes for increased transit volumes. The first container train has already been sent along the corridor, and two more are planned each month starting in the third quarter of this year.

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Adhikansh Gupta
Content Manager

Writer and editor who covers the latest trends and innovations in the software-as-a-service (SaaS) industry