June 8, 2023
3 min

Narengi Military Station in Assam to enhance logistics chain for Army in Eastern theatre

  • Narengi Military Station located in Assam’s capital city Guwahati has emerged as one of the important logistics hubs for the Indian army to enhance the logistics chain
  • The station is located in the Eastern theatre
  • The station is being used to enhance the logistics chain for the Indian army
  • The station is being used to improve the logistics chain for the Eastern theatre
  • The station is being used to improve the logistics chain for security of the Eastern theatre
  • The station is being used to improve the logistics chain for security of the Eastern theatre in view of its importance
  • The station is being used to improve the logistics chain for security of the Eastern theatre in view of its importance for India’s security
  • The station is being used to improve the logistics chain for security of the Eastern theatre in view of its importance for India’s security and its strategic location

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Written by
Adhikansh Gupta
Content Manager

Writer and editor who covers the latest trends and innovations in the software-as-a-service (SaaS) industry