June 11, 2023
3 min

CMA CGM launches a ZEBOX hub in Abidjan to support innovation ... - India Shipping News

- CMA CGM Group launches ZEBOX West Africa in Abidjan

- ZEBOX is an accelerator for supply-chain, logistics, and mobility businesses

- The Abidjan location supports 8 startups in logistics, mobility, and healthcare

- Zebox has already established hubs in Europe, North America, the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific

- ZEBOX offers a support program for startups to accelerate their growth and raise funds

- ZEBOX was founded in 2018 by CMA CGM Group's Rodolphe Saadé

- The program has supported sustainable technological projects in the supply-chain sector

- ZEBOX has over 150 startups and has initiated more than 100 co-innovation projects

- CMA CGM Foundation's social incubator, Le Phare, expands to Abidjan to support 4 startups in educational and community projects.

Source: Link

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Adhikansh Gupta
Content Manager

Writer and editor who covers the latest trends and innovations in the software-as-a-service (SaaS) industry