September 11, 2023
3 min

Central Warehousing Corporation to double revenues in 2 years, plans massive capacity expansion - Fortune India

Public warehouse operator, Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC), plans to double its revenues in the next two years through capacity expansion and a bigger role in third-party logistics and domestic container business. CWC has about 115 lakh MT capacity across warehouses in 465 locations, with 45% of the space for agricultural products and food grains and 20% for e-commerce. The company has a capacity expansion plan, including public-private partnerships, and is also entering the 3PL business. The government is planning to convert CWC into a company to increase competition in the warehousing and logistics sector.

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Adhikansh Gupta
Content Manager

Writer and editor who covers the latest trends and innovations in the software-as-a-service (SaaS) industry