September 11, 2023
3 min

AD Ports Group and Shandong Ports Group extend cooperation to ... - India Shipping News

AD Ports Group has signed collaboration agreements with Shandong Port Group, a Chinese conglomerate. The deal strengthens cooperation between the two groups, leveraging the 'Sister Ports' agreement between Shandong Port and Khalifa Port. Shandong Port will transport passenger vehicles from its ports in China to Autoterminal Khalifa Port for storage and display in KEZAD facilities. The collaboration aims to position Abu Dhabi as a preferred destination for the Chinese automotive industry. Both groups are active in implementing China's Belt and Road Initiative. The partnership signifies shared vision and mutual growth, driving economic prosperity and redefining logistics and port operations.

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Adhikansh Gupta
Content Manager

Writer and editor who covers the latest trends and innovations in the software-as-a-service (SaaS) industry